Aerial firing: a serious crime against humanity

21 Sep, 2009

A verse from the Holy Quran says killing a person is tantamount to killing the whole humanity well illustrated when a blind bullet destroyed someone's life and home without any fault so such unwanted crime should be eliminated for a better society.
There are many who suffered due to un fame gestures involving less number of people of the whole society during the festive season. The fact that people were involved in this unintentional killing is deeply unsettling and tragic, especially for those who's loved and dear one killed by blind bullet.
Guns are weapons of war, not toys, nor symbols of honour to be passed down from father to son and such like awareness should be spread out through schools, local civil society organisations and religious figures to educate people on the serious danger caused by aerial firing.
Like every year, Police in Peshawar banned aerial firing during Eid and other festivals besides launching an awareness campaign through banners, advertisement through print and electronic media and pamphlets distribution to general public.
The police, which is directly linked with as far as stopping and addressing this menace of the society by disseminating images warning about the dangers in regional newspapers. People belonging to various walks of the life applauded the move saying that it is important to remember that aerial firing is not a religious observance and should therefore not be associated with Ramadan and Eid, or indeed any religious festival or occasion.
A similar drive launched last year, the police termed the aerial firing a serious crime but the questions arise who to root out such menace and what kinds of measures to be taken to stop and address it.
The recently appointed Chief of the City Police Peshawar, Liaqat Ali Khan during his talks sought the help of the general public to abide the law and not to go for aerial firing besides keeping a vigilant eye on those involved in it.
"We would utilise all our resources to stop this unlawful act by protecting precious human life," Liaqat Ali said. He said there would be complete ban on display of arms and strong action would be taken against those found violating the ban. He also appealed to the elders of different localities to keep a vigilant eye by informing the police to take appropriate action against those violating the law. "We have passed directives to all the SHOs to take strict action." He also appealed to Ulema, traders and elite of the societies to play role in this regard.
The Peshawar City Police evolved an effective strategy to strictly deal with the elements involved in the ugly practice of celebratory firing in the interest of protection of lives of the citizens on the occasion of Chand Raat and decided to start an awareness campaign against aerial firing.
NWFP, being an abode of Pukhtoon nation, is not only famous for the bravery and honour of its people but is also famous for various traditions and norms prevailing in its society. They honour these cultural values and are ready to cross any limits but the number of these are limited and among them a group of people involved in aerial firing as well which need to be stopped once for all or to sensitise them about the outcome from a blind bullet.
Aerial firing on festive occasions is also among one of these customs for a lesser number of people and the need for its stoppage is severely felt.
All know that aerial firing is not a new phenomenon of the present day. It has been continued over decades that mostly affluent people resort to aerial firing on the celebratory occasions mostly of marriages, male child births and at their circumcisions' occasions. Besides this, the aerial firing was also practiced for impressing others by demonstrations of their wealth and power. But it was for the last few years, that a growing trend of aerial firing on the Chand Raat had been emerged. Majority of the people resorted to this wild and irresponsible habit, the ultimate result of which was a colossal damage to innocent citizens whose Eid jubilation turned into grief and sorrow.
The Jirgas and Hujras are part and parcel of the Pukhtoon culture so to curb that menace for the society through that way should be adopted before using other tools. The Ulema, elders, scholars, notables, teachers have to play their role in creating awareness regarding aerial firing.

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