The message of Eid

21 Sep, 2009

The enthusiastic celebration of the holy festival of Eid-ul-Fitr today, as the day of thanksgiving for Blessings of Almighty Allah for the discharge of Islamic obligations during the holy month of Ramazan in an environment of lurking fears brings to the fore the Ummah's unshaken conviction of the universal message of peace, harmony and tolerance among the humans assigned to the last of the Allah's Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
But a great deal has changed since then, across the continent inhabited by the Muslims, to their moral and material degradation, just because of the errors and omissions of their rulers and the exalted groups of teachers. Needless to point out, things took a dangerous turn due to conflicts within and without these entities.
As for its devastating outcome, reference may be made to the Muslims identification as killers and marauders in the misnomer of "jihad" that stands for a righteous struggle, not necessarily for thoughtless blood-letting. Worse, that blemish has come to stick to Pakistan, resulting in unforeseen tragedies from bomb blasts under all circumstances, as lately unfolding in the midst of Jumatul Wida Iftar too. Of course such ghastly trends do send a wave of sadness across the country, because of the rudely shocking sense of insecurity, and in the world beyond.
The same can be said of the saddening plight of the faithful, more so, in the conflict ravaged Muslim lands, along with destruction and desecration of holy places, and it will certainly induce more and more honest to God Muslims to pray to Almighty Allah, on this occasion, for forgiveness of the sins of their elders and misguided forerunners over a long period in history, leading to resort to the menacing extremism, intolerance and beastly behaviour. For, the curse of terrorism, is dubiously associated collectively not only with Muslims but also with individuals among them. Time has certainly come for the Muslim countries to adopt a unified agenda and collectively strive to pursue for revival of the distinguished identity that Islam has bestowed upon them.
Needless to point out, the guiding approach in this challenging task lies in moulding our lives in the pattern prescribed in the teachings of Islam, as practised by the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The need for this we have repeatedly urged in these columns, pointing out that it should not remain restricted merely to offering of daily, weekly or annual prayers or fasting during Ramazan as rituals.
But there is a great deal more beyond these to make them really qualified to retain that distinction. This alone can help us regain confidence and dignity among others around us through thoughts, habits and deeds from the approach of enlightened self-restraint in every walk of life.

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