AJK President and Prime Minister extend Eid greetings to nation

21 Sep, 2009

Azad Jammu and Kashmir President Raja Zulqarnain Khan and Acting Prime Minister Sardar Qamar Zaman Khan while extending Eid greetings to Muslim Ummah and the whole nation have said that regular fasting of the holy month of Ramazan purify the hearts and souls of Muslims and present the philosophy of piousness, patience and tolerance among the faithful.
They said this in their messages of Eid-ul-Fitr, being broadcast by all three radio stations of Azad Kashmir. AJK President Raja Zulqarnain Khan in his message said that fasting of holy month of Ramazan was the spiritual exercise for Muslims to purify their hearts and souls from evil practices and Almighty Allah showers his special blessings upon his believers in the month of Ramazan. He said the fasting of Ramazan infuses the sympathy and kind heart to the Muslims that make them realise the troubles of each other and persuade them to help the needy people.
Raja Zulqarnain asserted that, "We have to stick with the Islamic principles which are the only guarantee of success for Muslim Ummah in this mortal world and hereafter, adding whole Muslim Ummah is confronting hardships because we have left the true path and the Islamic injunction and its golden principles."
He said, "We have lost our glory while betraying from straight path adding the holy month of Ramadan is a refresher course to purify our hearts and souls which provides us opportunity to seek mercy to Almighty Allah for our sins."
AJK President said, "We should never forget our Kashmiri brothers and sisters on the occasion of Eid who are celebrating their Eid under Indian suppression for last six decades." He said, "We are celebrating Eid in free atmosphere and we should realise the miseries of our Kashmiri brethren who are struggling for the liberation of the other part of the state from Indian yoke and we have to continue our support on moral and diplomatic fronts in this regard."
AJK Acting Prime Minister Sardar Qamar-u-Zaman in his Eid message said that fasting of holy month of Ramazan was a refresher course for Muslims to purify their hearts and souls from malevolence and seek the pleasure of Almighty Allah.
He said the Ramazan fasting makes us realise the starvation and troubles of poor and vulnerable people of the society and following the teachings of Islam we try to fulfil their needs by paying Zakat and donations which not only purify our belongings but also provide relief to our souls.
Qamar-u-Zaman opined that other nations of the world also celebrate their religious festivals but our religious festivals were unique and had the separate identity because we fulfil religious obligations while observing Eid joys.
He said that holy month of Ramazan has the honour that last and final holy book of Quran was revealed on the final messenger of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which brought revolution among the mankind and give the code of life.
He said, "We should streamline our lives in accordance with Islamic teachings and it demands to forge unity in our ranks and not to betray from true path." AJK Acting PM said that Kashmiri people in Indian held Kashmir observe Eid under the clutches of Indian forces and continuously offering sacrifices to seek freedom from Indian hegemony. He said India had to recognise the birthright, the right to self-determination of Kashmiri people and India should implement the UN resolutions by realising the ground realities.
While expressing his solidarity with Kashmiri brethren on the Eid occasion he ensured that once the Kashmiri people will succeed in their objectives, all the units of the state will unite and make its accession with Pakistan and whole Kashmiri nation will celebrate the Eid in free atmosphere.

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