Sporadic fluctuation seen on commodities markets before Eid holidays

21 Sep, 2009

Proceedings on wholesale commodity market remained slow, exposing the high price trend during the week ended with the holy month of Ramazan. On Monday, on cereal side gur better type rose by Rs 200 to Rs 6000, while lower type dropped Rs 200 to Rs 6,800, masoor Canada shed Rs 100 to Rs 8,600, while better type was seen quoted at RS 8,700.
The cottonseed oilcakes with bag in Sindh shed Rs 5 to Rs 980. On Tuesday only change on the wholesale seed and grain markets seen was in bajra low type which shed Rs 10 to Rs 1,550, while the other type was put at Rs 2,600.
On Wednesday dispatch from seed and grain markets was not received, while Jodia Bazar remained quiet. What government is doing and efforts elsewhere to keep sugar prices on hold, sugar scaled up by Rs 50 to Rs 4,800 while other type was quoted at Rs 4,900, gur superior type was higher by Rs 100 to Rs 6,900 while low type was put at Rs 6000.
Gram Punjab, essential for holy month turned lower owing to nearly end of Ramazan, by Rs 100 to Rs 2,300 while the other variety was quoted at Rs 3,000, bajra low type was down by Rs 10 to Rs 1,550 while the other type stayed stuck with previous rate. On the seed side rapeseed Nawabshah low type rose by Rs 40 to Rs 1,440 while better type rose by Rs 25 to Rs 1,450 said to be due to rise in demand.
On Thursday the markets were seen closed and hence no sales report were received from either commodities wholesale markets nor form Jodia bazar. Friday being Juma-tul-Wida no transaction took place on grain and seed market or Jodia Bazar.
On Saturday downward trend was seen on wholesale grain market as most of the buyers were on the sidelines ahead of Eid-ul-Fitr holidays.
On the grams side only one change was seen as grams 50x50 fell sharply by Rs 650 to Rs 2,700-2,850. On the seed side til dropped Rs 200 to Rs 3,250-3,450 in process of trading, cottonseed oilcake with bag low type shed Rs 10 to Rs 960 and better type also lower by Rs 20 to Rs 960.

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