Naheed wants facts behind Benazir Bhutto murder be disclosed

24 Sep, 2009

Former political secretary to Benazir Bhutto Naheed Khan has said that the assassination of Benazir Bhutto was utmost tragedy of world history and the facts behind her murder should be exposed to all. She was talking to newsmen here at public gathering, hosted by Senator Dr Safdar Ali Abbasi and MPA Haji Munawar Ali Abbasi in the honour of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) leaders and notables.
Naheed said that UN probe into the assassination of Benazir is still mysterious and those figures should be exposed now. She added the UN array regarding the finding out the circumstances and hidden hands in murder are still hollow, but these should reach to the killers she said.
Naheed stressed that the rulers had no rights to decide the fate of Pervez Musharraf and giving him safe passage, because he was accountable to the masses for his deeds and the masses are the best judge to evaluate. She said the people had rejected the policies and actions of Musharraf in the general election, so the trials under article 6 must be initiated against dictator, who destroyed the institutions she said.

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