World Bank delegation meets Punjab chief secretary to discuss education programme

26 Sep, 2009

A delegation of World Bank met Punjab Chief Secretary Javed Mahmood here on Friday and discussed the Punjab Education Sector Programme. According to an official, the Chief Secretary said the Punjab government was spending 350 million dollars on school education with the co-operation of World Bank and every effort was being made to raise the standard of school education in the province to international level.
He informed the delegation that school education in Punjab was being converted into English medium and science subjects and mathematics were being changed into English language and a framework had been completed in this regard. According to him, there was a need for improving the standard of education and school results instead of number of schools. Ranking of schools in each district would be carried out that would improve administrative matters.
The Chief Secretary assured the delegation that the funds provided by World Bank would be utilised in a proper manner and would help raise the standard of education in Punjab, especially in rural areas.
The World Bank delegation said there was a room for improvement in education sector. They stressed the need for provision of basic facilities, including potable water, textbooks, teachers and improvement of school buildings. The Chief Secretary issued instructions to DCOs for upgradation of schools in their districts and immediate utilisation of funds allocated for schools. He further directed them to personally supervise the process of upgradation of schools.

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