'Standard of education should be improved'

03 Oct, 2009

Former Punjab Finance Minister Shahid Hafeez Kardar while speaking at a seminar on National education policy 2009 organised by South Asia Free Media Association on Friday said that Pakistan spent 1.6 percent of its GDP on education because it did not consider education a top priority.
He further said foreign funds to improve standard of education were being used on construction of buildings instead. Besides, teachers were not sincere with their profession because they were not appointed on the basis of merit. Reviewing the education policy 2009, an educationist, Abbas Rashid said that the document looked like a wish list because it did not give detail on how the targets would be achieved for example a target to get all children at elementary schools by 2015. He further said that it was responsibility of the government to provide education but unfortunately the standard of education at public schools is very low.

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