Industries suffering due to water shortage in Site

03 Oct, 2009

The industries in Site industrial area are experiencing acute shortage of water for last more than three days. Tajammul Hussain Chishti, Executive Director, Naurus (Pvt) Ltd, in a letter to Engr Shamsuddin Sahito, Managing Director, Site Ltd, has drawn his attention towards the water supply situation and informed him that the industry has not been receiving water for last three days.
When inquiries were made, they were informed that due to non-payment of water charges to Karachi Water & Sewerage Board the Board has disconnected water supply to Site Ltd. "We are water-based industry and we are purchasing water from water tankers and our local sales and exports are badly affected", Chishti said, requesting Site Ltd to take up the matter with higher officials of the Water Board for restoration of water supply and save the industrial units from suffering losses.

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