Round-table on US Aid Bill: National leadership must adopt self-reliance policy: speakers

03 Oct, 2009

Our national leadership must adopt self-reliance policy rather than relying on foreign aid. Sustained efforts need to be made to develop human and natural resources and apply simplicity, austerity and strict financial discipline for improving socio-economic condition of the people of Pakistan.
It was emphasised that our Parliament should express will of the nation after critically examining the conditions are attached in the Kerry-Luger Aid Bill. These views were expressed by the speakers at the round-table on "US Aid Bill and Our National Interests," organised by PINA in Lahore.
Former Governor Shahid Hamid chaired the meeting while Professor Dr Rasul Bakhsh Raees, former Secretary Foreign Affairs Shamshad Ahmad Khan, Brigadier Muhammad Aslam Ghumman (Retd), political leader Rahmat Khan Wardag, veteran journalist Qayyum Nizami, Engineer Muhammad Aslam Mughal, Zafar Iqbal Chaudhry, political analyst Hafeez Ullah Niazi participated in the debate.
Former Foreign Secretary Shamshad Ahmad Khan found no objection in the bill. He said there was a complaint that America leaves us in times of adversity. Now there is a change in its thinking. It now wants to establish contact with the people of Pakistan and not merely rulers of the country.
Referring to the genesis of the bill, Shamshad told that the democratic senator Biden in fact issued a strong statement in favour of Pakistan on November 9, 2007 in which President Musharraf was severely condemned for enforcing emergency and it was resolved that people of Pakistan would be given assistance instead of army and the government.
He proposed a four-point draft bill which due to American Presidential Election in 2008, could not mature. Now in the present context the bill in fact is without any conditions, seeking people-to-people contact, accountability, strengthening democratic institutions in Pakistan. He emphasised that it should be clear that it is American Law passed by the Congress keeping their interests supreme. Our Parliament must debate the issue in Pakistani interest and freely express the will of the people.
Muhammad Aslam Ghumman, a former ISI Official and Direct General Intelligence (Punjab) paid tributes to the armed forces and ISI who have kept Pakistan intact with their scarifies. He pointed out that there is a tripartite nexus of USA, India and Israel, which is perpetually working against Pakistan.
Earlier, introducing the subject Secretary General PINA Altaf Hasan Qureshee said that Kerry-Lugar Bill passed by both houses of US Congress is an important piece of legislation as it reflects shift in American Policy towards the people of Pakistan. Our politicians and experts are expressing divergent views on the strings attached to US aid. He said that the august house is requested to guide the nation through a measured and meaningful debate on the Kerry-Lugar Bill and by offering solutions thereto. He explained that according to a section of people, this bill will usher in a long-term era of relationship of trust between US and Pakistan while some critics describe it as bondage of American slavery.
In his concluding remarks Shahid Hamid said we have to see the degree of coincidence between American and Pakistani interests. We should examine the bill properly in the Parliament without resorting to emotional rhehoterics. We should consider to increase taxes and reduce expenditures to lessen the burden of aid.
He referred to the preface and objectives of Kerry-Luger Bill that it appreciates Pakistan's potential to effectively fight the menace of terrorism, and is quite capable of facing the challenges with fortitude, recognising us as a valuable partner. He said undoubtedly American is a super power and it is in our national interest to have friendly relations with her in combating the militancy in our territory and consolidating the forces of peace, democracy, rule of law and good governance.

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