PAC meeting: EOBI chairman emotionally pleads non guilty of corruption

03 Oct, 2009

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of National Assembly on Friday witnessed touchy scenes, when chairman Employees Old-Age Benefit Institution (EOBI), Asadullah Sheikh said that he should be hanged if he is proved as a beneficiary of National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO).
"If the authorities succeed in proving me the beneficiary of NRO, I should be hanged in open before the public. If not, the reporter must be taken to task. Sir, I seek justice from you as I am going through a torturous ordeal, as totally false allegations have been levelled against me by the reporter without taking the pain of having my version of the story", a tearful Sheikh with a gloomy face told the PAC chairman.
"My family has suffered a lot," said Sheikh, not in a position to withstand the insult. "He (the journalist) disgraced me in front of my family and the whole world. He even asked the Prime Minister during an interview on TV that I do not qualify for the slot. I am the most senior bureaucrat. All my batch mates are either retired from top positions or serving as federal secretaries, how I do not qualify for the EOBI chairmanship", he maintained.
The PAC meeting, which was held here with Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan in the chair, discussed the corruption allegations levelled against the EOBI chairman, Asadullah Sheikh, where he was accused of masterminding incredible real estate purchases and acquisition with the blessings of some influential politicians.
Quoting official sources, the media report further stated that conspiracies were being hatched to rob EOBI of its assets through secret deals, which were under negotiations beyond the realm of transparency, fair play and equal opportunity.
The report claimed that the deals were near maturity, which, if executed, would have pushed more national institutions to bankruptcy, denting the already bleeding national exchequer.
Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, who is also chairman of the PAC, advised the aggrieved chairman not to take things quoted in the report at heart as it would bring the reality to the fore and help in streamlining the public institutions and eradicating corruption.
He also assured the EOBI chairman that he would talk to the journalist and would ask him what the actual position is. "Our sympathies are with you and needn't be up set about it as it happens with people acquiring top slots", he added.
Riaz Hussain Pirzada complemented the EOBI chairman in an emotional way, saying his respect for EOBI chairman has been increased tenfold. "The journalists should play a responsible and impartial role and must not accuse an honourable person without foolproof evidence", he remarked.
Yasmee Rehman said that the journalists have the right to obtain information, to publish, and to criticise but the information should be based on facts, balanced and be aired or published after proper verification. In reporting on a controversy, she added, the journalists should ensure that parties concerned have been given ample opportunity to state their respective positions.

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