'Kerry-Lugar Bill to prove milestone for democratic institutions'

03 Oct, 2009

Secretary Information PPP, Fozia Wahab has said there is no condition in the constitution for the president that he cannot hold the party office. She said that the negative campaign against Kerry-Lugar Bill is a sad one and it has no connection with reality. This bill would prove to be a milestone in strengthening the democratic institutions of the country.
"This campaign is run only by those people who spread the negative propaganda against Shimla Pact," she added. Fozia Wahab was talking to media men at local airport here on Friday morning. She said that during the reign of Musharraf, aid of 15 billion dollar came in the country but no fingers were raised. The army spent the aid on itself received during the reign of dictatorship but democratic government to spend the aid on its people.
She said that no compromise would be done on our nuclear programme. Al Qaida, Taliban and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi are destroying the country but Pakistani people are fighting against terrorism. To a question, Fozia said that current government has changed the set up of the country.
There was lawlessness and anarchy when we took the charge of government but now with the positive steps and policies of PPP government, the situation of law and order situation has improved and the process of development could be observed. Development projects are under progress in every corner of the country, which is the proof of government's success.
Later on while talking to the Secretary Information belonging to southern Punjab in Circuit House, Fozia Wahab said that PPP is the party of poor people and President Asif Zardari is running the party according to the vision of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. She said that party would respect the senior party workers and would give them their due place in the party.
She said that thousands of families are benefiting from Benazir Income Support Programme Fund and for this the consultation and attestation of party workers from all the areas have been ensured. She stressed on the party workers to work day and night for the services of people.
Secretary Information PPP Punjab, Khawaja Rizwan Alam, District President Khalid Hanif Lodhi, City President Khurshid Khan, Sehrish Khan, Ishrat Bibi and others also addressed on this occasion. Earlier, Fozia Wahab arrived at local airport at a day long visit where a large number of party workers gave her a warm welcome. Party workers were shouting slogans and were dancing on the beat of drum. Fozia Wahab was taken to Circuit House in the form of big convoy by the party workers.

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