Partly Facetious: IRI poll shows Zardari is on his way up

03 Oct, 2009

"Firdous Ashiq Awan is rather a colourful character..."
"She is a Jiyali and..."
"A Zardi more like it, the Jiyala is a dead breed I hear."
"I don't know about that but the leader of the Zardi's, President Asif Ali Zardari's approval rating has gone up according to the latest poll."
"Who did the polling? Was it a company whose directors were finally issued visas to Pakistan?"
"Don't be facetious. The survey was undertaken by the American based International Republican Institute (IRI)."
"Isn't Dick Cheney the one who is involved with IRI?"
"What's your point? That the neo-cons support President Zardari and that they manipulated the survey and..."
"Don't get excited. The President scored 25 per cent approval rating and Nawaz Sharif scored 67 percent."
"The President has a long way to go but to a Zardi this shows that his policies have begun paying dividends and he is on his way up and..."
"Maybe it's true. What do you reckon? As far as I can tell nothing favourable is evident with respect to the economy, his ability to generate funds from abroad and...hey is it possible that IRI increased his rating because they want to show that the Kerry-Lugar bill had a positive impact on the perceptions of the Pakistani people with respect to the US and by default President Zardari?"
"You see conspiracies everywhere. But what I found interesting is that there is a possibility that Firdous Ashiq Awan has two husbands..."
"I call that an enlightened Zardi...she believes in equal rights for men and women...if men can marry four times then..."
"Hush they may haul you for blasphemy."
"President Zardari has assured the Pope that these laws won't be abused..."
"I give up. Besides she claims that the mix up is NADRA's fault. It would be difficult to prove or disprove this charge and..."
"Well she certainly has two surnames, rather unusual in this country."
"I never thought of that!"

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