Politicians, traders reject hike in power tariff

03 Oct, 2009

Political activists and traders have reacted sharply over six percent increase in power tariff, effective from October 1, 2009 and said it would cause a fresh wave of price spiral that would be unbearable for the people. Pakistan Muslim League-N Traders Wing Punjab's Secretary General and Mall Road Traders Association's President Mohammad Naeem Mir has said that Pakistan's economy is on the mercy of IMF and without permission of whom our present inept rulers do not take any decision.
He said the people's blood was being sucked on the dictates of IMF. 'If every decision is taken independently, unemployment and price hike would end within few days,' he added. He said the national economy would come into take off position without coming out clutches of IMF and World Bank by our rulers.
Naeem Mir further said the traders' community is determined to make Pakistan an economic power. He rejected increase in power tariff and threatened to use every option of protest including the shutter down to withdraw it.
Senior Political Assistant to Chief Minister Punjab Mohammad Pervez Malik has said that there was no justification for rulers to enhance power tariff. He said increase in power tariff would cause fresh wave of price hike in the country. "If rulers assure to implement the Charter of Democracy (CoD) there would be no confrontation among the institutions," he added. He said that no foreign investor would come to Pakistan till the rulers do not break begging bowl.

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