PARTLY FACETIOUS: Is our airspace our airspace?

06 Oct, 2009

"So what's new?"
One question: is our airspace our territory?"
"What ever kind of question is that?"
"It's a legitimate question. I want to know if we can try anyone, of whatever nationality, if the offensive act took place in our airspace?"
"Technically I guess the answer is in the affirmative. I am not sure of international space law if there is such a thing but I would assume if an act takes place within our territory them our rules apply and we have the right to take action but what in the world are you referring to?'
"The crew of an Indian airliner..."
"Oh, for Pete's sake...if you want to take your anti-Indian sentiment further then why don't you use relevant fora to deal with these sentiments. Talk about the Indian support for the Baloch insurgency, refer to what the Indians are doing with respect to constructing dams and thereby compromising our water supply as the lower riparian country..."
"These are serious issues."
"So you must deal with them."
"Can't, its all Musharraf's fault!"
"I am getting sick and tired of that refrain: if it is Musharraf's fault get him back and try him..."
"No can do we are not vindictive and we made a deal with many many foreigners not to try him."
"In return for what?"
"I am not sure."
"Then begin to accept responsibility."
"No can do its all Musharraf's fault, let democracy thrive."
"I give up. But what was this thing that made you ask questions about air space and all."
"The Indian airline crew had a slinging match in Pakistani airspace. Apparently male crew members were sexually harassing a female crew member."
"And you want to use Hudood ordinance?"
"Well, yes."
"You are crazy! Best look at it this way: at least our air controllers had some fun listening to the conversation."

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