Ozone layer protection: 'Pakistan to be free from harmful chemical substances by January 2010'

06 Oct, 2009

Pakistan, by January 2010, will successfully achieve its 100 percent phasing out target of harmful chemical substances to protect the ozone layer as achievement to date is 95 percent. This was announced by Kamran Lashari, Secretary Ministry of Environment while speaking at a seminar on Ozone Day celebrations, here on Monday. This year's theme of the International Ozone Day for the preservation of Ozone Layer is "Universal Participation: Ozone Protection Unifies the World."
Abid Ali, Joint Secretary, International Co-operation/National Project Director (Montreal Protocol), Ministry of Environment, Shadia Yousif Bakhait, Country Representative, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, Muhammad Maqsood Akhter, National Programme Manager, Ozone Cell, Sharmeen Tariq, environmentalist, Dr Osman Yousuf of the Allergy and Asthma Institute, senior officials of United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), officials from Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Industries, Ministry of Health, Federal Board of Revenue, Customs Department and representatives of industries involved in the phasing out of ODS, doctors, academia, students, media representatives as well as members of civil society were present on the occasion.
Lashari said Pakistan was in full compliance with regard to import and consumption of first generation of Ozone Depleting Substances in accordance with the provisions of Montreal Protocol. He said ozone layer depletion was a serious global issue along with other environmental problems such as pollution, drought and desertification, loss of forests, disposal of solid and liquid wastes and loss of biodiversity etc.
"These problems were created due to rapid industrialisation of the developed countries," he continued. He expressed that the members of the Montreal Protocol were making concerted efforts to protect the ozone layer. Ministry of Environment, Government of Pakistan was working proactively on all issues related to environmental degradation, including the depletion of the Ozone Layer.
"Ministry of Environment was a silver lining of increased awareness of our present and future generations about this environmental issue," he said. Lashari asked everyone to join their hands in contributing positively towards the global efforts for the conservation of environment for the sake of present and future generations. Speaking on the occasion, Muhammad Maqsood Akhter said Pakistan was not producing or exporting country of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) but import few chemical substances such as CFC, Halons, CTC and Methyl Bromide etc.
He further informed the participants that the use of these substances was mainly in deep freezers, refrigerators, car air-conditioners, foam, dry cleaning, fire extinguishers and pre-shipment of agro-products. "Pakistan required to eliminate import and consumption of these Ozone Depleting Substances by January 2010," he said. He further said under the provision of Montreal Protocol, Pakistan had to eliminate the use of ODS by introducing alternatives in the industry till January 2010.
Akhtar said Pakistan had made remarkable progress with regard to the elimination of ODS. "All 21 projects in the foam/refrigeration sector have been converted into Ozone Friendly Technology. 33 projects in the mental cleaning (cutlery and surgical) industries have also been completed," he announced.
He expressed that Pakistan had imposed a ban on harmful ozone damaging chemicals such as Carbon Tetra Chloride, Methyl Bromide and Methyl Chloroform much ahead of the target set by the Ozone Secretariat under the Montreal Protocol. He divulged that Pakistan had imposed ban on the import of CFC based compressors in August 2008 although it was not an obligation under the Montreal Protocol.
Shadia Yousif Bakhait, Country Representative, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, informed the participants about the UNIDO's role in the CTC phase out projects in metal cleaning sector and training of customs officers for their capacity building to curb illegal trade of ozone depleting chemicals and 3,000 refrigeration servicing technicians for the conversion of CFC-based refrigerators and air conditioners into Ozone Friendly Technology.
Abid Ali, highlighted the importance of Ozone layer for the protection of life on earth. Dr Uzma Ali, Skin Specialist, delivered a presentation on the harmful impact of Ultraviolet B radiation of Sun on human beings, animals, plants and marine creatures.
She informed that the depletion of ozone layer could cause skin cancer, cataract and suppress body immune system resulting into fatal diseases. Dr Osman Yousuf of the Allergy & Asthma Institute, Pakistan enlightened the participants on the issue of CFC based Metered Dose Inhalers used for the treatment of patients suffering from asthma and chronic respiratory diseases.
He informed that it was an issue of life and death for approximately 19.8 million people of the country suffering from chronic respiratory diseases. Later, the chief guest awarded prizes and certificates of merit and participation to the winning and participating students from various schools of Rawalpindi and Islamabad in speech and arts competition.

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