National Commodity Exchange Trading Summary

06 Oct, 2009

National Commodity Exchange Limited Trading Summary on Monday (October 05, 2009).

Contract Price Traded Previous Current Open
Date Commodity Date Quotation Open High Low Close Volume Settlement Settlement Interest
in Lots Price Price in Lots
05-Oct-2009 GOLD Oct-09 Per 10 grms 26,200 26,424 25,940 26,424 75 26,199 26,424 157
05-Oct-2009 GOLD Nov-09 Per 10 grms 26,775 27,012 26,563 27,012 15 26,782 27,012 90
05-Oct-2009 GOLD Dec-09 Per 10 grms 26,761 27,018 26,500 27,018 219 26,788 27,018 100
05-Oct-2009 GOLD Jan-10 Per 10 grms 26,761 27,032 26,577 27,032 44 26,803 27,032 29
05-Oct-2009 Kilo GOLD Oct-09 Per 10 grms 26,180 26,398 25,980 26,398 3 26,173 26,398 -
05-Oct-2009 Kilo GOLD Nov-09 Per 10 grms 26,500 26,985 26,500 26,985 2 26,755 26,985 4
05-Oct-2009 Kilo GOLD Dec-09 Per 10 grms 26,761 26,991 26,761 26,991 - 26,761 26,991 -
05-Oct-2009 Kilo GOLD Jan-10 Per 10 grms 26,531 27,005 26,531 27,005 4 26,776 27,005 3
05-Oct-2009 Tola Gold Oct-09 Per Tola 30,527 30,790 30,527 30,790 - 30,527 30,790 -
05-Oct-2009 Mini Gold 08/01 Per 10 grms 27,350 27,894 27,350 27,894 2 27,595 27,894 2
05-Oct-2009 Mini Gold 08/02 Per 10 grms 27,623 27,855 27,623 27,855 - 27,623 27,855 -
05-Oct-2009 Mini Gold 08/03 Per 10 grms 27,632 27,865 27,632 27,865 - 27,632 27,865 -
05-Oct-2009 Mini Gold 08/04 Per 10 grms 27,642 27,874 27,642 27,874 - 27,642 27,874 -
05-Oct-2009 Mini Gold 08/05 Per 10 grms 27,651 27,884 27,651 27,884 - 27,651 27,884 -
05-Oct-2009 TT Gold 09/01 Per Tola 31,541 31,888 31,541 31,888 - 31,541 31,888 -
05-Oct-2009 KIBOR3M Dec-09 Per Rs 100 87.31 87.33 87.31 87.33 - 87.31 87.33 -
05-Oct-2009 KIBOR3M Mar-10 Per Rs 100 86.60 86.61 86.60 86.61 - 86.60 86.61 -
05-Oct-2009 KIBOR3M Jun-10 Per Rs 100 86.97 86.97 86.92 86.92 - 86.97 86.92 -
05-Oct-2009 KIBOR3M Sep-10 Per Rs 100 86.88 86.88 86.87 86.87 - 86.88 86.87 -
05-Oct-2009 Rice IRRI - 6 Oct-09 Per 100 kg 2,310 2,310 2,308 2,308 - 2,310 2,308 -
05-Oct-2009 IRRI6W 08OCT09 Per 100 kg 2,305 2,305 2,302 2,302 - 2,305 2,302 -
05-Oct-2009 RBD Palm Olein Oct-09 Per Maund 3,079 3,079 3,046 3,046 - 3,079 3,046 -

NOTE: Traded Volume reflects the trades from 06:00 pm of previous day to 06:00 pm of current day

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