Weekly statement of position of all scheduled banks

06 Oct, 2009

Weekly statement of position of all scheduled banks as at the close of business on September 26, 2009.

(Rs in million)
All All
Scheduled Commercial *Specialized
Banks Banks Banks
Cash and balances 370,681 367,171 3,510
with treasury banks
Balances with other banks 170,392 161,069 9,324
Lending to financial instituti 151,052 151,052 -
Investments 1,506,609 1,493,322 13,287
Gross Advances 3,154,737 3,047,883 106,854
Provisions (266,723 (247,013) (19,710)
Advances- net of provision 2,888,014 2,800,870 87,144
Operating fixed assets 230,579 225,438 5,141
Deferred tax assets 49,239 49,237 3
Other assets 310,087 297,832 12,255
Total Assets 5,676,654 5,545,991 130,663
Bills payable 72,967 71,827 1,140
Borrowings 506,271 425,137 81,134
Deposits and other accounts 4,161,958 4,149,248 12,710
Sub-ordinated loans 40,974 37,568 3,405
Liabilities against assets 144 128 16
subject to finance lease
Deferred tax liabilities 3,046 2,893 153
Other liabilities 245,764 210,289 35,475
Total Liabilities 5,031,124 4,897,089 134,035
NET ASSETS 645,530 648,901 (3,372)
Paid-up capital/ Head 318,429 302,922 15,507
office capital account
Reserves 153,901 151,458 2,443
Unappropriated/ Unremitted pro 97,020 121,811 (24,791)
Total 569,350 576,191 (6,841)
Surplus/ (Deficit) on 76,180 72,710 3,470
revaluation of assets
645,530 648,901 (3,372)

*Specialized Banks include ZTBL, PPCB, IDBP & SME Bank.

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