French envoy calls on Kamal

06 Oct, 2009

French ambassador to Pakistan, Daniel Jouannau, Monday met City Nazim Syed Mustafa Kamal at his office. On the occasion, Mustafa Kamal gave detailed briefing to the visiting ambassador about the development works, completed in the city during the last four years.
He said that the haq parast city government had initiated a rapid development process to solve basic problems of people in shortest possible time, and pointed out that under this vision, development works were carried out in nearly all sectors of civic life. He said over 35 flyovers and underpasses were constructed during this period while work on four more flyovers was underway.
Nazim Karachi said that so far, 62 km of roads have been made signal free while a total of 316 roads have been constructed during the last four years, which provided hurdle free travel facility to citizens besides resulting in fuel saving. He apprised the ambassador about the paramount importance of Karachi in the region and said that keeping this in view, the city government has provided the environment to business community especially the investors whereby they could muster maximum profit on their investment.
Kamal said Karachi presently offers attractive opportunities for business and investment and business community should take advantage of better conditions and improved infrastructure here. He referred to city industrial areas, and said these were preference in the development of infrastructure and various mega projects of water, sewerage and roads were completed during the last four years. The government, he informed, too has also initiated a "Green City" campaign to overcome air pollution, and millions of saplings have been planted so far at different roads and roundabouts.

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