Power system restoration, street pavement completed in parts of Bajaur

17 Oct, 2009

For provision of basic facilities, the government has successfully completed street pavements and upgraded sanitation drains, while rehabilitated the electricity system of six villages in Khar Tehsil of Bajaur Agency. These developmental activities would benefit over 20 thousands people of the area.
These projects were identified by the community members of the respective villages in meetings held with local political administration, because growing militancy in the area badly damaged the local infrastructure.
The political administration ordered immediate work on the execution of these schemes. Street pavement includes 500 meters of street and up gradation of sanitation drains in Sadiq Abad Phattak while in electricity schemes include one 100 KVA electricity transformer, six poles and 8,000m conductors were connected in the villages of Tauheed Abad, Shandai Mor, Nawai Kelley (near Scout Camp), Khar, Kausar, and Yousaf Abad.
During the work completion ceremony, the PA Bajaur Zakir Hussain Afridi said that the government is attentive to the community demands. He said "undertaking projects for the greater benefit of ordinary citizens is the major interest and responsibility of the political administration." He said that we will continue the developmental work even in far flung area of Bajaur.
Malik Hussain Mohammad, inhabitant of the area thanked the government and political administration for their kind action because the people were not in position to afford the cost of street pavement. "This is unforgettable support," he opined.
Abdul Hameed of Tauheed Abad said that nowadays electricity has become a sign of life, and without it life is miserable, unfortunately the people lost such basic facility as a result of military operation against the militants in the region. He thanked the government for taking keen interest in solving social and political problems of the area villages.

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