Sufficient sugar stock available in Faisalabad: DCO

18 Oct, 2009

Following the directives of the provincial government, sufficient quantity of sugar was being supplied to the open market as 52,815 fifty-kilogram bags of sugar had been supplied in the district during the last 10 days. This was stated by DCO Saeed Wahlah while inspecting the sale points of sugar at sports complexes in Ghulam Muhammadabad, Crescent Mills, Saleemi Chowk and Samnabad.
He said the steps were being taken to further increase the supply of sugar in the district and two sale points had been set up at Grain Market to facilitate the commercial clients to prepare confectionery and other sweet food items. He claimed there was sufficient stock of sugar in the district, however, an impression of shortage was being created.
He warned that profiteering, black marketing and hoarding of sugar would not be tolerated at any cost and stern legal action would be taken against such unscrupulous elements. He said additional arrangements would be made to ensure the sale of sugar in open market at the rate of Rs 40/- per kg, if needed.

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