WMA launches online course for doctors to treat tuberculosis patients

18 Oct, 2009

Concern that many doctors are no longer being taught to diagnose and treat tuberculosis (TB) has led the World Medical Association (WMA) to launch a new online refresher course for physicians. The refresher course will provide basic clinical care information for TB including the latest diagnostics, treatment and information about multidrug-resistant TB.
It will also provide information as how to ensure patients' adherence and address infection control. It will also include many aspects of TB care and management with a global scope so that it can be used across regions. The course was launched at the WMA's annual General Assembly that concluded on Saturday in New Delhi, India. Dr Julia Seyer, medical adviser at the WMA, said, "When we started an online multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) training course in 2006, we discovered that many physicians were missing the most basic knowledge about normal TB."
With the disappearance of the disease from large parts of the world, many physicians from the developed world had never even seen a case of TB and had no basic training in diagnosing and treating what is a preventable disease. "Now that TB has re-emerged as a serious global disease, it is vital that physicians around the world regain the basic knowledge they once had," said the doctor. The course will be useful in developing countries, where the majority of TB cases are, and will serve as a refresher of what physicians may have learned some time ago.
The new course was written for the WMA by the New Jersey Medical School Global Tuberculosis Institute, USA. Launching the course, at the WMA's annual general body held from October 14 to October 17 at New Delhi, Dr Lee B. Reichman, Executive Director of the Institute, said,"TB is often thought to be a "disease of the past," but 4,500 people a day are dying from it, most of whom are in their most productive working years, aged 15 to 54."
The new course, which incorporates key strategies of internationally accepted strategies for management and control of TB, will link to the WMA's MDR-TB course, which has been running for the past two years. It is free of charge and can be used by physicians in private practice as well as in the public. Physicians will be able to receive credits for completing the course as part of their continuing medical education programme.
Although the course is available only in English at the moment, it will be translated into Spanish, French, Russian and Chinese. Dr Seyer said that tuberculosis caused nine million new cases and two million deaths every year. Two billion people were infected with the disease world-wide. In some parts of the world, 75 percent of HIV-positive patients were infected with TB.

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