Thousands demonstrate in London against Afghan war effort

25 Oct, 2009

More than 2,000 people marched Saturday in London to demand an end to Britain's involvement in the Afghan war effort. Organised by a group called Stop The War Coalition, the demo was led by a current active-duty soldier as well as by relatives of British soldiers.
The protest march went through central London, ending in Trafalgar Square. It took place at a time when opinion polls show a further drop in public support for the war effort. Channel 4 TV reported a poll now showing 62 per cent of Britons wanting forces to be pulled out immediately or next year, and 48 per cent believing a victory is impossible as against 36 per cent who felt that way in a 2007 survey. Britain currently has some 9,000 soldiers serving in Afghanistan, while so far 222 British troops have been killed in the now eight- year-old conflict.

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