Iqbal's wisdom

14 Nov, 2009

They say that trees that are strongly rooted in the ground, grow the tallest. Yes, there is a certain charm in modernity; a wisdom in staying ahead of the times, but in our quest to be 'hip' we should not forget our history and culture. I had unknowingly fallen into the trap only to be rescued by a wave of revived patriotism inspired by the verses of Iqbal recounted on TV, courtesy a phone company.
The wisdom of Iqbal transported me back in time, and I realised the significance of the day as much more than a public holiday. Allama Dr Muhammad Iqbal, known for his remarkable contributions in Urdu, Persian poetry and philosophy, believed in the political and spiritual revival of Islamic civilisation across the world. While working closely with Muhammad Ali Jinnah, it was Iqbal who envisioned the creation of a separate homeland in north-western India for Muslims.
The phone company was among those rare entities, the only one to my knowledge in fact, that remembered Iqbal on his birthday and paid tribute to him through his work. I think private sector organisations can and do play a very large role in promoting culture and this unique gesture must be appreciated. I am positive there were others like me who gained from the experience and feel the same way.

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