'Mobile companies suffer due to power crisis'

23 Nov, 2009

Vice President Ufone Naveed Butt has said that Pakistan has the lowest call rates in the world. He said that companies should create customer value. He was delivering a lecture on Telco Blood Bath at LUMS Colloquium 2009 on Sunday. He also said that companies should adopt the policy of simplicity. He said that companies should focus on customer value.
He said the mobile companies suffer a lot due to the electricity crisis because they have to use diesel to run the machinery to operate mobile towers, which is increasing the cost. He said that despite the recession in the world the cost of mobile calls is decreasing because of the competition between mobile companies.
He said that in the year 2000 the rupee parity to dollar was Rs 60- to one while the mobile call rate was Rs 6 per minute and in 2009 the rupee parity to dollar is Rs 80- to one and the price of call is Re 1 per minute. He said that in these circumstances mobile companies were facing tough time for their survival. He said that mobile companies cover more than 75 percent area of Pakistan except few areas of Balochistan. He also said that competition doesn't mean that one company tries to destroy another company.
CEO Naseeb Networks and Roozee.Pk Moonis Rehman said that advertising on internet is growing gradually and demand of online advertisement is going to be doubled every year. He also said that internet is a very powerful medium now-a-days.
CEO BRAMERZ Amer Sarfaraz said that the plus point of advertisement on internet is that you can track your advertisement on net and know that how advertisement was seen by how many people. Editor-in-Chief CIO Pakistan Rabia Garib said that greatest contribution of the internet is that it provides level-playing field to all without any discrimination. He said that advertising companies should focus on content development.
Brand Manager Djuice, Telenor Pakistan Basam Qureshi said that there Should be a relationship between sales, marketing and consumer services. Head of Marketing Services Sales Corporation Aamer Mohsin said that Pakistan always faced tough times since independence. He said that there is a lack of leadership and continuation in policies due to which Pakistan suffers a lot. He said that another reason for difficult times in business in Pakistan is lack of investment in new businesses, such as Information Technology.
He said that global recession also disturbs direct foreign investment and exports. He said there is a need of applying new concepts in retail marketing.
On this occasion Dean, Suleman Dawood School of Business LUMS, distributed prizes among the winners of the Brand Wars Competition. Earlier, he announced that Brand Wars was won by FAST University and runner up team was LUMS university.

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