Collection of hides, skins: Home department issues code of conduct

23 Nov, 2009

The Provincial Home department has issued a code of conduct for collection of hides and skins during Eid-ul-Azha.
The Provincial Home Minister Dr Zulfikar Ali Mirza pointed out that various social, political and other organisations try to collect maximum number of hides and skins in the province and some time it creates a competition like situation, which some time turn into confrontation giving rise to large scale law and order problem.
Therefore, he said, in order to check any such situation, the code of conduct is being issued by Sindh Government after mutual consultation and agreement of all religious, political and social organisations.
He said the concerned police would take all possible steps for enforcement of the code. Under the code of conduct, the collectors of hides and skins would obtain advance permission from home department or DCO and only those parties, organisations and institutions wold be permitted who are registered, sign the code and strictly compel with the same.
It said that for collection of hides and skins there will be no permission to set up camps nor any announcement would be allowed through loudspeakers from Masajid, Madressahs and offices or with loudspeaker on vehicles and people could voluntarily give them to organisations and institutions of their choice.
It said that while shifting the collected hides and skins, the carries would carry with them their national and organisation's identity cards as well as permission of home department or else the law enforcers would be authorised to confiscate the same.
According to home department there would be ban on carrying any kind of arms, or danda or stick, rods etc and even licensed weapon on all the three days of Eid-ul-Azha and in this connection the law enforcers would stop and check the motorcycles and vehicles.
All the parties and organisations would direct their workers to cooperate with the law enforcing organisations. The department said that generally, security would be provided at the points of collection of hides and skins and their transfer from one to other place.
In this regard, they have been asked to provide details of places of dumping and collection of hides and skins to DPO/TSP. It was made clear that in case of collection of hides and skins without permission, legal action will be taken and collected hides and skins would be confiscated.

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