Denmark says 65 leaders to join climate talks

23 Nov, 2009

Sixty-five world leaders have confirmed they will attend a UN conference in Copenhagen in December that will try to clinch a new global climate deal, and many more are considering, Danish officials said on Sunday.
Facing splits in the climate talks, Denmark 10 days ago formally invited the heads of state and government of 191 UN member states to come for the final two days of the December 7-18 conference to push for a deal at the meeting, originally meant for environment ministers.
Danish officials declined to provide a full list of those who had agreed to come to the Copenhagen conference, but noted some leaders, such as those from Britain, Germany, France, Spain, Australia, Japan, Indonesia and Brazil, had announced their intention to attend. A government official said Denmark would let world leaders make their own announcements.
He said in a brief email statement that the Danish government considered it positive that so many had accepted and others were still considering whether to attend. The United Nations said this month about 40 leaders had indicated plans to attend, mostly from developing nations as well as from Germany and Britain, even before the official invitation.
Marathon talks since 2007 have failed to overcome differences between developed and developing nations on issues such as the depth of greenhouse gas cuts by industrialised countries by 2020 or extra funds to help poor nations. The EU has promised to cut emissions by a unilateral 20 percent below 1990 levels and by up to 30 percent if others follow suit. A draft bill before the US Senate would cut emissions to about seven percent below 1990 levels by 2020.

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