Message from Prime Minister, Islamic Republic of Pakistan

24 Nov, 2009

Today, Pakistan Air Force marks the occasion of rollout of the first JF-17 aircraft co-produced in Pakistan at Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC), Kamra. Today's achievement is not only an accomplishment for the PAF but also reflects the true spirit of dedication, hard work and the indomitable will of our nation.
It is a proud moment for our people and shall remain etched in golden words in the annals of our national history. Today's milestone is not a meagre one by any standards, as it launches Pakistan into an elite club of nations who possess the capability of manufacturing fighter aircraft. The whole nation is proud of the Pakistan Air Force and expresses its gratitude to the men and women of PAF, who have afforded them a moment to rejoice and elevate their national esteem in these harsh times of war on terror.
The achievements on the JF-17 programme have their roots firmly grounded in the strength of our friendship with China. The support from the Chinese Government of the JF-17 programme embodies a commitment between two countries connected not only by land, but also by the depth of their heats. The collaboration and co-operation between Pakistan and China has not been for mutually beneficial trade only - it is not trade or economic that we collaborate and cooperate for - our association and fraternal ties bind us in the everlasting embrace of friendship.
China has always stood by us and its undaunted support and willingness to go the extra mile for Pakistan has been a source of strength for the people of Pakistan. It is a proud feeling to see the JF-17 Programme progressing so well on the road to fruition. I am confident that as the programme matures, the co-operation from our Chinese friends will grow with it, and it shall be reciprocated by the entire Pakistani nation.
I would also like to commend the PAF's initiative for appreciating and putting to use the tremendous potential of the Pakistani experts and technicians, and developing the industrial infrastructure to enter into a joint development and production programme for the JF-17 aircraft with the Chinese aviation industry. The strengthening of aviation industry will surely provide the much needed impetus to the national economy. It will also kick-start the establishment of many related industries as well as strengthen the foundations of our existing industrial base. This in itself is an achievement with tremendous future potentials.
My government pledges to support PAF in its future endeavours and provide all resources necessary for the defence of our motherland. May Allah Almighty take PAF from strength to strength and grant us the courage and wisdom to honour our pledges to the nation. Aameen.

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