Message from Federal Minister for Defence Production

24 Nov, 2009

This day marks the culmination of an extremely important phase in the history of aviation industry of Pakistan. The rollout of the first JF-17 aircraft, co-produced in Pakistan at Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) Kamra, is a historic event, which signifies a giant leap towards self-reliance and attainment of the goal of aircraft production in the country.
Moments like these are few and far between in the histories of nations and, as such, must be celebrated befittingly. The JF-17 programme is not only a significant defence venture; indeed it is a truly multifaceted project, having implications on the national defence, our economy and our industrial infrastructure. The importance of this programme is, therefore, much more than what is ordinarily realised.
The nascent JF-17 programme got its impetus in the form of continued support from our Chinese friends. The Chinese support and contribution to the defence sector of Pakistan has been the source of succour and much needed momentum. The Chinese assistance has been the driving factor, propelling the JF-17 programme to heights of glory and success. It has enabled Pakistan to be counted today amongst the few countries that have the skill, technology and infrastructure to manufacture fighter aircraft.
The JF-17 programme has achieved some major milestones in the past few years, which have been duly noted in the national press and circulated around the world. However, some of the lesser known but equally important achievements must also be realised. These include the significant transfer of technology of Pakistan, the training of manpower and the setting up of various related manufacturing technologies in Pakistan.
Most of the equipment, machines and tools required for various stages of production have been procured to augment the existing production capabilities at the PAC, Kamra. The task is gigantic, complicated and challenging but I am sure that the spirit and the will of Pakistani people to overcome challenges would ensure success against all hurdles, and the nation will ultimately emerge triumphant. The success of the JF-17 programme is already proving the same.
I congratulate PAF on its successes and wish that all future programmes may also result in resounding achievement. May Almighty Allah grant us the courage and determination to meet the challenges, which lie ahead and may the JF-17 programme continue marching successfully from one milestone to the other. Aameen.

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