Safe drinking water: MoU inked with US for $17.9 million project

25 Nov, 2009

The United States would provide $17.9 million assistance for provision of safe drinking water by installing over 6,000 water proliferation plants in every union council. The US government and the Corporate Sector Organisations signed two Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) in this regard on Tuesday to support safe drinking water and hygiene promotion through water testing kits and the introduction of water purification sachets to clean water in homes that aims at benefiting one million people.
USAID three-year $17.9 million Safe Drinking Water and Hygiene Promotion Project (PSDW-HPP) project supports Pakistan's Clean Drinking Water for All initiative which aims to install over 6,000 water filtration plants, to ensure access to clean drinking water in every union council. The purpose of the Memorandums of Understanding between the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the private sector is to support the US government's involvement in Government of Pakistan's Clean Drinking Water Initiative.
"Lack of clean water and sanitation has devastating impact on the health and wellbeing of people, particularly small children," said USAID's Chief of Health, Janet Paz-Castillo, at the signing ceremony. "Illnesses caused by unclean water and poor sanitation account for an astounding 60 percent of child deaths in Pakistan as approximately 630 Pakistani children die each day of diarrhoea," She added.

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