Contempt of court proceedings against counsel: registrar directed not to fix any of his case in future

25 Nov, 2009

Justice Sheikh Azamat Saeed of the Lahore High Court instead of initiating contempt of court proceedings against an FBR counsel Nawaz Cheema directed Registrar Lahore High Court not to fix next time any of his case before him. The judge observed that such attitude of the counsel amounts to create hurdles in dispensation of justice and it appears FBR had moved a campaign against the judiciary intentionally.
The judge held that Chairman and member legal FBR should show sense of responsibility, while appointing their counsel and should select them from some senior lawyers. The judge observed that court could not become hostage of such counsel and if chairman and member legal are not willing to show a responsible attitude then they would be called before the court for explanation.
The court restraining from initiating contempt of court proceedings against the counsel directed the registrar LHC not to fix any of his case in future. According to the details Nawaz Cheema had appeared before the court in some stay matter. The judge requested him to stay for about ten minutes as he could dispose of the other matter.
Cheema waited for ten minutes and stood right after ten minutes and requested the court to allow him to proceed. When judge requested him again to wait he started shouting and levelling serious charges on him. The judge however refused to hearing the case and sent the file to Chief Justice LHC for its disposal by any other bench in accordance with the law.

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