'Pakistan to enhance export to Yemen'

25 Nov, 2009

The Chief Executive, Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), Syed Mohibullah Shah held meeting with visiting Yemeni delegation and discussed variety of matters relating to Export of Pakistani products to Yemen at TDAP Head Office, here last evening.
Initiating the discussion the Chief Executive said that the visit of the Yemeni delegation will strengthen the trade relations between Pakistan and Yemen and hoped their stay will be comfortable and fruitful. Syed Mohibullah Shah said that there is great potential of export from Pakistan particularly in pharmaceutical and surigical instruments sectors besides engineering products, agro-food, textile, clothing and other products.
He said that TDAP would welcome suggestions about export to Yemen and invited delegation's attention to the existing import policy of Yemen. Ahmed Ali Sirohey, Charge d Affairs, Embassy of Pakistan, Yemen highlighted the procedure of import into Yemen.
He said that Pakistani products are imported into Yemen by other countries. Dr Hameed Al-Huzafi, Inspector GMB, Supreme Board of Drugs, deliberated upon matters relating to legislation for import of pharmaceutical and surgical instruments. He assured that he will help TDAP to appoint agent in Yemen who will see to it that export from Pakistan increased rapidly according to prevalent procedure of certification.
The Chief Executive, TDAP welcomed the suggestions made by the members of delegation and asked TDAP officers to arrange matchmaking meetings with industrialists to find out areas of co-operation and diversify export from Pakistan.
The objective behind inviting Yemeni delegation to Pakistan is to diversify the exports of Pakistan in terms of markets, which have traditionally remained concentrated in a few countries, rendering our exports vulnerable to the demand-related shocks in the major markets, like the ccurrent recession in the West The meeting was attended by Mirza Kareem Baig, Secretary, TDAP, Dr Nighat Parveen, Consultant, Marketing, D G I&C and D C (HR) Javed Anwar Khan.-PR

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