Doctors held responsible for death of Huma Akram

26 Nov, 2009

A three-member doctors committee constituted on the orders of Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani to probe the death cause of the Huma Akram, spouse of former Pakistan cricket captain Wasim Akram, has held doctors responsible for her death. Meanwhile, the Federal Minister for Health announced that strict action would be taken against the responsible doctors.
Talking to Business Recorder, spokesman of Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (Pims) said the committee comprised three senior doctors of Pims, Head of Pathology Department PIMS Dr Anwar-ul-Haq, Dr Shazia Zamer and Dr Giyasuddin Butt. They submitted the detailed inquiry report to the Secretary Health on Wednesday.
According to the inquiry report doctors who were treating her failed to diagnose fungal infection in her blood which later resulted into serious blood clotting, which blocked her veins and disturbed her blood circulation. This resulted in the multiple organ failure, which resulted in her death.
Huma Akram died at a hospital in Chennai a month ago following multiple organ failure. The committee headed by Dr Anwar-ul-Haq went to Lahore and met Wasim Akram and also visited the National Hospital and Doctors Hospital, where initial treatment was given to Huma.
After a thorough inquiry the committee complied the report within ten days and submitted it to the Ministry of Health. It is pertinent to mention that in early September Huma underwent teeth scaling and in late September she had botox treatment.
According to the report fungal infection was caused either by the scaling or due to the botox treatment, which caused widespread blood infection. According to the PIMS sources the Center for Disease Control (CDC) America has already declared that Botox treatment should be avoided as it can be dangerous for health as it had caused deaths of many people in the past.
According to health expert Botulinum Toxin the main ingredient used in this treatment is a kind of poison, and besides that swine ingredients are also used in this treatment. Botox is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment to severe frown lines. Botox works by blocking nerve transmission to temporarily reduce the contractions of the facial muscles that cause frown lines.
When injected into muscles, Botulinum Toxin blocks transmission between the nerve endings and muscle fibres around the injection site to cause weakness of the nearby muscles. The report also says that the injection, which was administered to her in the air ambulance for mental relaxation, also proved fatal and caused cardiac arrest. The report has recommended that all the hospital must adopt standard operating procedures and private hospital must have pathology laboratories to avoid any kind of inconvenience to the patients and their attendants.

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