Afghan war

26 Nov, 2009

A period of nine years has passed and despite having highly trained fighting force and the latest war machinery in abundance, the Americans and Nato forces, are finding it very difficult to wipe out Taliban and al Qaeda members from Afghanistan.
Top-ranking military generals of America and Nato forces do not see an early end to this bloody war and they are now seeking ways and means to engage the Taliban for their honourable peaceful evacuation. In this regard, secret backdoor diplomacy is going on and according to press reports the Taliban are firmly sticking to their one-point agenda, that all foreign forces should evacuate Afghanistan immediately.
Then alone, talks will be held and other matters will be discussed. This is a very serious condition and apparently, America will not accept it at any cost. So, at the moment there is no hope of peace and this guerrilla war will continue for an indefinite period.
This continuity of war will bring an uncertain future to the Afghans and their present generation will face total destruction. No one knows when normalcy will come to Afghanistan and what would be its future outlook. There are some sensible person in the American administration, who realise the gravity of situation.
It is their duty to come forward now and make some ad hoc arrangement to extinguish the ongoing fire, which if not extinguished immediately, may ultimately engulf the whole of South East Asia. Sanity demands action not hollows words. What America had sowed in Afghanistan, in the past, it is now reaping the harvest. Nobody is to be blamed for this catastrophe. Had America not assisted the Taliban in Afghanistan with arms, ammunition and money to fight, events would have been quite different today.

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