Call to commemorate martyrs' sacrifices on Eid

27 Nov, 2009

As the countrymen are about to observe Eid-ul-Azha on Saturday, it is imperative to remember the sacrifices made by our martyrs in flushing out militants and bringing peace to Swat, Malakand, DI Khan, South Waziristan and other parts of the country.
People from diverse backgrounds were of the opinion that the nation is only able to observe Eid in a peaceful and zealous environment due to the exceptionally good sacrifices made by our soldiers, policemen, FC personnel, and tribal lashkars. "Yes, this is the occasion that we can contribute to the families of those martyrs who laid down their lives in defending the lives and properties of the people of Pakistan. This is the time that we can make a difference by remembering the martyrs," said former Information Minister, Senator Mohammed Ali Durrani, while talking to APP. The Senator was of the view that the issues confronted by the country demanded us to rise above all petty politico-religious differences, and forge unity amongst our ranks.
Imtyaz Ranjha of the PML-Q asked the countrymen to observe simplicity on Eid. "Since the nation is in a war-like situation, we should not indulge into extravaganza and festivity and rather soberness should be the way on Eid.
Nasim Fatima, a teacher by profession, said it was time to return our love and sacrifice to the families of those who sacrificed their lives for the nation. "Let us exhibit our respect at the graves of martyrs and love to their families," she added.
Sadia Khan, a final-year student, called for remembering the huge sacrifices made by the soldiers, policemen, tribes, and civilians. "We should go to sympathise with the families of those who laid down their precious lives in fighting the terrorists.
We should also present flowers and gifts to those who are injured in terrorist attacks," she added. Fatima Batool, an entrepreneur, observed it was up to the nation to make a difference and let the families feel that they were with them. "We should visit the families of those great patriots who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty. They are our heroes and we should return love to their families," she added.

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