Eid-ul-Azha today

28 Nov, 2009

Eid-ul-Azha, commemorating the supreme sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim Khalil Ullah (AS), is being celebrated by the faithful across the country on Saturday with traditional religious fervour and pledge to follow the spirit of sacrifice besides forging unity to face internal and external threats.
Eid congregations will be held across the country amid stringent security measures in which hundreds and thousands of faithful will bow down before Allah Almighty to seek His blessings and favours. Ulema and mushaikh in their eid sermons will highlight the significance and philosophy of the sacrifice. They will ask the Muslims to rise above petty differences and stand united to confront all threats and work for bringing peace and prosperity in the country.
Special prayers would be offered for the integrity, solidarity and prosperity of the country and unity of the Muslim ummah and for the liberation of all occupied Muslim territories, including held Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine, and durable peace in the region.
Law-enforcing agencies (LEAs) have adopted foolproof security arrangements to maintain law & order. Policemen in plain clothes, as well as uniform, will perform duties at mosques and other open places where eid congregations will be held. The civil administrations and the police have adopted stringent security measures to avoid any untoward incident.
After offering eid prayers, the faithful will offer sacrifice of animals (goat, sheep, camel, buffalo) following the Sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS). The process of sacrifice of animals will continue till Monday. The civic organisations have made elaborate arrangements for ensuring cleanliness and to remove the offal of the sacrificial animals. Hundreds of NGOs have set up camps to collect hides.
Trusts, welfare bodies and local mosques imams are in the forefront to collect hides. Every year on this eid, millions of rupees economic activities are generated through sale of sacrificial animals' hides. Hide merchants have made special arrangements for purchase of hides of sacrificial animals.
It may be noted that Eid ul Azha is one of the most important festivals for Muslims and is celebrated all over Pakistan, like other Muslim countries. This Eid is celebrated for three days, ie from the 10th to the 12th of month of Zul Hijjah, and is marked by the sacrifice of animals (goat, sheep, camel, buffalo). Delicacies are prepared and served and distributed among families and friends.
According to Islamic beliefs, Prophet Ibrahim had been put to a test by God when he was asked to sacrifice whatever was the dearest to him and he decided to sacrifice his first son, Ismaeil. On the altar at the mount of Mina, near Mecca, as he was on the point of applying the sword to his son's throat, it was revealed to him that it was only a test to determine his measure of submission to Divine commandment and his love for his Creator, and that it was enough. Instead, he would offer Allah the sacrifice of only a ram.
Various TV channels will present special programmes including dramas, music shows and other entertainment programmes. Newspaers will also bring special supplements highlighting the philosophy of Eid ul Azha.
Health professionals have advised the people to avoid taking meat in excessive quantity, as it may cause health problems for them. They said that people facing the problem of gastro-enteritis, ulcer, hypertension, acidity, and joint pains must show extra care in taking meat. They stated that excessive use of beef or meat increases the acidity level, which lead towards gastro-enteritis, ulcer, hypertension, and acidity.
On the other hand, special arrangements were made at different hospitals to provide necessary treatment facilities to those facing any problem during Eid days. Special duties were assigned to doctors and para medical staff, while medicines were also provided in sufficient quantity in the hospitals to meet any contingency.

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