Make public a list of lands, loans beneficiaries like NRO: Nawaz

28 Nov, 2009

Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) Quaid Muhammad Nawaz Sharif on Friday stressed the need for taking necessary steps to improve country's economy, besides making public the lists of lands and loans beneficiaries like the NRO beneficiaries. Talking to mediamen after inaugurating Cricket Pavillion in Gymkhana Cricket Club at Bagh-e-Jinnah here, Nawaz said that improvement in current state of affairs was possible, if every one used his energies sincerely.
"Let Allah Almighty help us in improving the state of affairs," he added. However, he said that there was huge potential in Pakistani nation and with hard work and commitment, desired results could be achieved. He said that all those, who looted the national wealth by writing off loans, should be exposed like the NRO beneficiaries. "All those, who got their loans written off, must be held accountable," he added.
About poverty, Nawaz said that the government alone could not tackle this problem. The problems of poverty could be addressed, if private sector also played its due role along with the government in efforts aimed at poverty alleviation. The PML-N Quaid said: "If we follow Constitution and ensure rule of law, then there is no threat to democracy." However, he said that the country was facing difficult situation and the need of the hour was to ensure peace in the country.
He said maintenance of law and order must be top priority, but instead of addressing real issues, attention was being paid on other matters. "There are many other problems in Pakistan, apart political issues," he added. Talking about Balochistan package, Nawaz said that there was still room for more consultation on this issue. The people and angry Baloch leadership should be taken into confidence on this package.
However, he said the Baloch people would not be satisfied without holding accountable to the killers of Nawaz Akber Bugti. There could be no peace in Balochistan without taking the killers of Akber Bugti to task, he said. He said: "It is necessary to remove sense of deprivation prevailing among the Baloch people." About missing persons, Nawaz said that recovery of missing persons was necessary for the satisfaction of angry Baloch people. He said those responsible for missing of persons should also be held accountable.
Sharing his views about media, the PML-N Quaid said the need of the hour was that media should pay attention to the real issues. "The debate on TV talk shows needs to be put on right direction," he added. Earlier, the PML-N Quaid inaugurated Cricket Pavillion in Gymkhana Cricket Club. He said it was a welcoming to note that the cricket museum had been set up, while the deficiencies in the museum needed to be removed. Because of the stringent measures by police at Bagh-e-Jinnah, the visitors had to face difficulties.

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