Terrorism can be overcome by rooting out social injustices: Jamaat-i-Islami Ameer

01 Dec, 2009

Ameer Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) Syed Munawwar Hassan said that the terrorism could be overcome by rooting out social injustices in the society. He was addressing a congregation held at Jamia Mosque Mansoora. Hassan further said Kahsmiris have been fighting Pakistan's war, as they are protecting our jugular vein, but President Zardari has added salt to their injuries by labelling them as terrorists.
He said no Islamic country among 56 has sent their armies to fight a war against non-Muslims. According to him, the scattered Iraqi army gave tough time to US army besides fighting bravely to the BlackWater, but the situation in Pakistan is altogether different, as the army here is involved in killing of its own citizens and bombing own cities.
He said that the government has made tall claims that it has made a dent in the strength of terrorists, but it has not achieved anything so far and it could not achieve unless it would start negotiating with Taliban. Interestingly, he said, the same rejected Taliban were by the US during Afghanistan war against Soviet forces. Now the US is pressurising Pakistan to expedite attacks on Taliban to crush them instead of inviting them to negotiation table.
Now the US has agreed to negotiate with Afghani Taliban then why only Pakistani Taliban are being painted as terrorists and unforgivable. He said American aggression in Pakistan has given birth the phenomenon of terrorism and it would keep on multiplying until the US stays in this region.
He further called the rulers to apprehend the US and Indian designs of weakening Pakistan in order to roll back its nuclear programme and permanent presence of US here. He said the Black Water has changed its name with XE Services and it is active in Islamabad and Karachi.
This organisation is working for CIA and JSOC of the US and its members are involved in anti-terrorism operations in the NWFP. He said the US talks about peace on the one hand, while its weapon manufacturing companies are busy in selling armaments throughout the world on the other hand. It is an irony that Pakistani leaders are taking dictation from the US and they are safe guarding the US interests here. He said war against terrorism is actually war against Islam and Islamic civilisation.
He said Pakistani Muslims are committed to Islam and they can offer their lives for the protection of the sanctity of the prophet (SAWW). Pakistan still possesses the Islamic identity and it has declared Qadianis as non-Muslims besides passing the blasphemy laws. He said the West is making efforts to abolish such laws. He criticised the Governor Punjab for opposing the blasphemy law.
Further, he said, debates are being made to ban the madrassas in order to put an end to the Islamic culture in Pakistani society. He said launching protest against the rulers of the day is the real struggle and an urgent need of the hour. He said it is duty of every Muslim to support anti-America movement of the JI to challenge the ulterior designs of the West.

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