They are one against Pakistan

01 Dec, 2009

It is reported that as many as nine intelligence agencies of the world are involved in anti-Pakistan activities in Afghanistan. And there are reports of nine Indian consulates working along the Pakistan border, exporting terrorists to Pakistan. After CIA, India's two intelligence services, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA), are among the most active in Afghanistan.
The Indians have a separate, extensive intelligence and espionage set-up focused on Pakistan's tribal Pashtun belt. This is where the Indians and Karzai people are running a joint-venture of pumping saboteurs into Pakistan, disguised as the so-called Pakistani Taliban. Apart from the Indian Embassy in Kabul, there are nine consulates; two consulates in the south near Pakistan's three key areas - Balochistan, the NWFP and the tribal belt. One Indian consulate is located in Kandahar.
The other one is located close to the airport in Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand. This Indian consulate has a training facility where training is imparted to terrorists. Here they are equipped and sent to Pakistan. Most of these terrorists are young men recruited from both Pakistan and Afghanistan. Indian diplomats from the two southern consulates have been sighted collecting large quantities of Pak rupees from the open market on several occasions.
Helmand is the same province where the US and UK have mobilised their military and intelligence resources to fight al Qaeda and Taliban and push them towards Pakistan. From Pakistan's point of view, this US-Nato operation is bogus. After all, the Afghan Taliban are registering success in the Afghan provinces that are nowhere near the Pakistani border, including northern Afghanistan. There is no evidence that the Afghan Taliban managed to do this because of help from Pakistani soil.
And yet US-Nato forces forget Taliban everywhere else and decide to focus on Helmand, which borders Pakistani Balochistan, a province that is being destabilised from Afghan soil. Knowing that this operation could be used by intelligence operatives (Indian, Afghan and possibly even American) to push undercover agents and saboteurs inside Pakistan, Pakistani authorities formally objected to Washington over the military action noting very clearly that pushing terrorists inside Pakistan is not a solution.
Pakistani security forces have consistently been confiscating US and Israeli-manufactured weapons from terrorists in various parts of south-west Pakistan bordering Afghanistan. Intelligence agencies from different countries are suspected to be active in the wave of terror inside Pakistan. These spy outfits belong to the United States, India, Afghanistan, Israel, Britain and Russia.
The Indians want to punish Pakistan for supporting the struggle of the Kashmiri people against Indian occupation. India also wants to destabilise Balochistan enough so that China abandons the huge development projects inside the Pakistani province, an objective that the Americans would welcome without hesitation.

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