Partly Facetious: President will remain loyal to all his friends

01 Dec, 2009

"President Zardari was really angry."
"Yes and he said he doesn't mind leaving the Presidency in an ambulance."
"What did he mean by that? That the non-political actors would give him a heart attack and he would have to leave the Presidency in an ambulance..."
"I don't think he was referring to any illness."
"Then how would he leave the presidency in an ambulance?"
"Dead bodies in this country are taken in ambulances..."
"You know that is very true. We don't have the concept of a hearse. Maybe some enterprising man or woman should start a business providing this service. I bet you it may take off. I for one would rather my loved ones left their home for the last time in a fancy car and..."
"Don't be facetious."
"You know the state can make money out of that - they can levy a huge tax on the purchase of a hearse - that may be one way to finally get the rich to pay taxes - as I doubt if the poor would be able to afford a hearse."
"Don't underestimate the imitative potential of our poor. Look how they insist on demanding and giving dowries."
"You are in an uncharitable mood today."
"I am because poor President Zardari is being hounded from all sides, except from Nawaz Sharif. But as he said in his speech he is not afraid."
"Oh I see. But I have one question then? Why doesn't he go to all the troubled spots in the country in that case? He can go to South Waziristan to visit the troops, he can go commiserate with those whose family members have died in suicide blasts, he can...hell he could have gone to Karachi to address the PPP anniversary live instead of going the Altaf Bhai route."
"Hey I said he was upset, I didn't say he was being logical. How many times have you been angry and been logical at the same time!"
"Who writes his speeches?"
"Let it be my friend. The President, you know, will remain loyal to all his friends."

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