Zardari to shed more powers: analysts

01 Dec, 2009

President Zardari has made up his mind to transfer more powers to the Prime Minister and in a recent telephonic contact with PML-N Quaid Nawaz Sharif, he informed him (Nawaz) about the repeal of controversial 17th Amendment in December, it is learnt.
Political analysts term the move of making Prime Minister as Chairman of the National Command Authority through re-promulgation of the National Command Authority Ordinance of 2009, as significant development. They were of the view that President Zardari had no option but to transfer his powers to the Prime Minister so as to restore the parliamentary form of government.
President Zardari in a recent interview with a TV channel said the 17th Constitutional Amendment would be done away with during December. He said, "We wanted to abolish the 17th Amendment from the day one through a unanimous decision, as the 1973 Constitution was also approved unanimously."
Meanwhile, Punjab Chief Minister Mohammad Shahbaz Sharif while talking to reporters during his visit to Gulab Devi Hospital on Sunday again advised President Zardari to repeal the 17th Amendment and uphold his promises to implement the Charter of Democracy (CoD). He said Zardari had earlier announced twice to repeal the 17th Amendment, but the promise was not fulfilled so far.
Talking about the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO), Shahbaz said the NRO is the worst example of protecting corruption in the country. He reiterated the demand of initiating accountability of the plunderers of the national wealth. He said PML-N had filed a petition against the NRO, but the petition was withdrawn on account of PCO judges in courts.
When asked about growing differences between Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and Pakistan People's Party (PPP), Shahbaz said both the parties must resolve their issues with mutual talks. Answering a question regarding Pervez Musharraf, he said, "It is not in his knowledge as to whether he (Musharraf) is forming a political party in the country."
He said the country was facing manifold challenges and need of the hour is to tackle the same to provide much-needed relief to people. Earlier, Shahbaz enquired after the health of patients admitted at Gulab Devi Hospital. He also distributed sweets and "Eidi" among patients. On the occasion, he asked DCO Lahore to ensure proper cleanliness arrangements at the hospital by arranging a spray.

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