PMA workshop on research methodology from December 3

02 Dec, 2009

Pakistan Medical Association (PMA-Karachi) plans to organise a four-day workshop on Research Methodology at PMA House here from December 3 to 6. Dr Shaheena Akbani, Consultant Epidemiologist Research Training Monitoring Cell, College of Physician & Surgeon Pakistan will be the facilitator on the occasion.
The workshop is meant for medical students, fresh medical graduates as well as for practicing doctors. PMA authorities said they in view of the significance of research methodology for medical practitioners and students keen to undertake postgraduate programs might turn this workshop a regular feature.
The workshop to be conducted for four consecutive days will encompass Selection of study topic, formulating study, question/study objective; Selection of study design; Determining variables of interest (Predictor, outcomes); Understanding data its presentation and summarisation; Formulating Hypothesis; Determining sample size; Developing questionnaire and data collection; Data management; Research report.

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