A full court reference was held on Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 12:00 noon at the Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue, Karachi, for late Rehan Hassan Naqvi, past president of the Income Tax Bar Association, Karachi, and the Founder of Pakistan Tax Bar Association and Asia Oceania Tax Consultants Association. The Reference was chaired by Khawaja Farooq Saeed, Chairman of Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue.
On this occasion, Ali A Rahim, President of Income Tax Bar Association, Karachi, highlighted the professional history and paid tribute to the services of late Rehan Hassan Naqvi. The landmark reported cases of the apex courts, which are always a beacon and a source of guidance to the tax fraternity, were highlighted by him. Rashid A. Razvi, President of Sindh High Court Bar Association, admired the services of late Rehan Hassan. Abdul Qadir Memon, President of Pakistan Tax Bar Association, highlighted various aspects of the life of Rehan Hassan.
He said that late Rehan Hassan Naqvi was the founder of Pakistan Tax Bar Association and pioneered the Asia Oceania Tax Consultants Association. Adnan Zaman, Counsel Member of Institute of Chartered Accounts of Pakistan, also admired the services of late Rehan Saheb. Departmental Representatives Farrukh Ansari and Zaki Ahmed applauded the services of Rehan Hassan Naqvi for the profession.
In this concluding remarks, the Chairman of the Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue stated that it would take years to fill the gap created in the sad demise of late Rehan Hassan Naqvi. He prayed to Almighty Allah to the rest of the soul of Rehan Hasan Naqvi in peace.-PR