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Country in midst of global and domestic economic crises

21 Apr, 2010

Pakistan is in the midst of twin crisis at this juncture ie, global and domestic economic downturn resulting in high inflation and reduction in employment opportunities and war against extremism displacing large number of people and destroyed infrastructure, noted a panel of economists constituted by Planning Commission of Pakistan.
The panel during its deliberations further noted that due to these crises the share of the poor and vulnerable in society have increased and therefore a strong and sustained social protection system is needed by this segment of the society.
"If we take a medium to long view, there are a number of structural inequalities in society and economy that also require attention. Some of these need to be addressed through a pro-active social policy. This as distinguished from social protection can ensure equitable and socio-politically sustainable development. Thus, based on the principle that social policy and social protection are important elements of nation building and in creating a sense of belonging amongst the citizens to the state, this report will also make recommendation on these long term concerns" the panel report added.
The panel of economists giving their recommendations on social policy instruments said "social policy areas that we highlight in this report are not only important in their own right but are also instrumental in improving labour market conditions, which will have a positive impact on employment creation and productivity growth.
They stated that residential insecurity is a persistent feature of social marginalization at the local level, as in rural areas this insecurity takes the form of dependent relations between landowners and the poor. Extreme forms of dependence result in bonded labour and other forms of coercion. Less extreme forms of dependence include the loss of political autonomy, vulnerability of services and provisioning to elite capture, restricted labour market opportunities, and chronic lack of tangible asset accumulation on the part of the poor.
Agrarian land reforms are no longer on the policy agenda for constitutional, political, administrative and economic reasons. There is a constitutional restraint following a Supreme Court ruling. Government can, however, make a significant difference to the position of the landless, poor and socially marginalized by ensuring secure tenure or title to residential or homestead land in rural areas. Such provision can be a significant non-fiscal measure for enhancing social protection, reducing inequality, and unleashing the productive potential of the poor. Past schemes for residential land security were responsible for dramatic changes in social relations in many regions of the country.
A key feature of rural residential insecurity is that the landless and socially marginalized groups are often resident on land that is actually owned by government, but is held under the influence of local landowners. The government has the responsibility for providing state land to the landless poor and the socially marginalized. In areas where state-owned land is not available in sufficient area, government can acquire land using the Land Acquisition Act 1894, or through market transactions, and allot it to specially designed schemes for the landless poor and the socially marginalized.
It said that in urban areas successive rounds of regularisation of Katchi Abadis have been very successful in increasing the social status and economic potential of the poor and the marginalized. The planning Commission's panel recommended that programs of regularisation - which often relate to the regularisation of existing settlements on land owned by the government or government-owned enterprises such as the Railways - should be reviewed, revived and expanded.

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