Head of the tribal Lashkar of Mushti tribe Mir Ajab Khan and his supporters on Saturday blocked the road at Shahu in order to disconnect logistic supplies to Taliban in lower Orakzai Agency. Mir Ajab Khan alias Mast Buda who was nominated as head of the tribal Lashkar after the death of ex Lashkar leader Hafiz Sakhi Rehman, killed at the hands of Taliban, said the decision to close the road for Taliban was taken after brutal behaviour of these elements towards tribal people.
He revealed that Taliban had even banned the people of Orakzai from travelling to Kohat or others districts and were awarding inhuman punishments to innocent people. He said with the closure of this road, general public would also face some inconvenience but said they (Lashkar) will ensure no one carries any kind of support for Taliban through this route.