Jamaat e Islami chief Syed Munawar Hasan, has urged the Supreme Court to take notice of the rulers' massive corruption in the light of the Transparency International's report. Talking to different delegations at Mansoora, on Saturday, he said scandals of the rulers' corruption were coming to light every day and the Transparency report exposed the true face of the politicians.
He said during the last two years, a record bungling of 323 billion rupees had been unearthed in different ministries. He said that the rulers as well as their families have bank accounts as well as properties abroad. He said that with the change of governments these corrupt rulers left the country.
During the last two years, he said, the government had secured loan worth 12 billion dollars only from the IMF, which was a record. The loan got from the other sources and from within the country was over and above that. He also said that unless and until the corrupt politicians were brought to accountability and the national wealth plundered by them was recovered, the country could not be pulled out of the quagmire of foreign loans, load shedding, unemployment and drone attacks.
Munawar Hasan said that Federal Law Secretary's resignation clearly indicated that the government was in confrontation with the judiciary. The JI chief said the corrupt people had come to power through public vote and the masses had been voting for them time and again. If the people desired to get rid of the corrupt ruling elite, they should reject such elements next time and vote for honest and patriotic people.