Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture Nazar Muhammad Gondal on Monday said that the allocation of funds under PSDP for Ministry of Food And Agriculture (Minfa) for the year 2009-10 was Rs 17961.980 million, which were reduced to Rs 12,000 million by the Planning & Development Division in consultation with Finance Division, owing to the financial crisis being faced by the country.
In a written reply to a question in the National Assembly, the Minister said that the recurring expenditure of the Ministry for the current financial year 2009-10 has not been decreased by the Government.
He said as there is no cut in non-development budget 2009-10, therefore, there would be no adverse effects. However, for the development budget, Ministry of Food & Agriculture in consultation with Planning & Development Division prioritised major development projects of national interest for which the reduction in funds will be less, he said. Health Minister Makhdoom Shahab-ud-Din also informed the House that the PSDP 2009-10 of Health Division has been reduced form Rs 23.156 billion to Rs 18.5 billion.