Bears dominated the proceedings at the Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE) where equities showed negative signs under the lead of hot favourite amid decrease in the index. ISE Ten Index was down by 15.50 points, as the Index moved from 2,496.81 to 2,481.31 points. The overall turnover amounted to 456,231 shares, as compared to previous turnover of 283,827 shares.
Total 159 companies participated in buying and selling activity. Majority of stocks (110) closed in negative territory, 49 landed in plus column. The volume of Bank of Punjab was 85,450 shares. The volume of Lafarge Pakistan Cement was 82,500 shares. The turnover of Lotte Pakistan PTA was 80,684 shares. Top gainer was Siemens Engineering with an increase of Rs 53.60 per share, whereas a major loser was Fazal Textile with a decrease of Rs 16.42 per share.