Partly Facetious: What's mental conflict?

14 May, 2010

"I love conflict."
"That is an extremely disturbing admission...I suggest psychiatric help. Given the number of innocent people dying because of conflict in Waziristan, North and South, and in Afghanistan and Iraq, not to mention in the Middle East and..."
"Hey, I didn't mean that kind of conflict. I was referring to the mental kind."
"Mental conflict? Never heard of it?"
"I define mental conflict as the pressure that the US can and does exert on its allies..."
"What about those opposed to the US? Like Iran and Venezuela and..."
"That too...mental conflict manifests itself when there is no physical engagement and that is fun. If only we could convince the world polity to remain engaged mentally and not have wars."
"That was probably the rationale behind setting up the United Nations however as you know wars have not stopped."
"I agree...I define mental conflict also when members of one political party go against their party leadership."
"You can't resist taking a dig at the President? He is busy shaping the PPP according to his own needs and that is but natural."
"If by that you mean placing his loyalists in positions of power then I agree with you, that is what any new leader has to do. Benazir Bhutto was forced to do it too even though her father had clearly indicated that she was his political heir."
"BB according to a letter indicated that her husband is her heir."
"You do know what I am saying?"
"Yes, I guess but one jiyala referred to decisions with respect to Karachi being made by the party leadership as symptomatic of a banana republic and this too on the floor of the House."
"The issue is that their party leadership feels that it needs MQM support while party members in Sindh feel they don't..."
"Party members are wrong...Karachi can be difficult to govern without the MQM and..."
"And stop...I am going to distribute sweets..."
"Whatever for?"
"The first time in living memory you have supported a decision taken by the President, and you need to distribute sweets to the entire party cadre as well as..."
"I'll just send sweets to the Presidency...apparently that is the correct way."
"I give up."

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