On the occasion of World Telecom and Information Society day, technology driven companies and organisations look beyond their day to day businesses. They find a way to give back something positive to the people and society at large by highlighting issues and areas that can be addressed and explored for the betterment of everyone.
The World Telecom & Information Society Day Theme for 2010 "Better cities, better life with ICTs" focuses on the role of Information and Communication Technologies in social and economical development of cites. The 21st century is a century of global urbanisation and cities being the hub of economic development are playing an increasingly important role in countries and regions. Acting as catalysts for a more productive and better life, ICT offers innovative solutions for our cities in an increasingly converged information society.
We at PTCL believe that ICTs are means of providing accessible and affordable information and education, while empowering marginalised groups to play a crucial role in the economic development. PTCL Broadband aims to deliver these social and economic benefits of ICTs to the underserved areas through affordable broadband, thus helping achieve Government's objective of breaking the poverty cycle and eliminating the social divide. So far, PTCL has been instrumental in launching more than 50% of USF projects offered for the provision of broadband in the underserved and far flung areas of Pakistan.
We, at PTCL support the WTISD 2010 theme for an improved, secure and healthier world for ourselves and our future generations. Being the industry leader and a socially responsible organisation we are cognisant of our responsibilities. PTCL understands the importance of providing the benefits of ICT growth to the remote areas of the country and appreciates the efforts and contributions of the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom to achieve this challenging task.