On Thursday, BRIndex30 opened at 8,156.86. It closed at 8,084.28 with a net negative change of -72.58 points and percentage change of -0.89. It experienced intra-day high of 8,182.43 and intra-day low of 8,058.34. The volume amounted to 50,596,366, which was 76.30 percent of the total market and 92.93 percent of KSE-100 index. The volume of KSE All Share and KSE-100 were 66,313,876 and 54,445,038 respectively.
BR Commercial Banks Index closed at 2,423.27 with a net negative change of -11.29 points and percentage change of -0.46. The turnover for this sector was 14,996,510. BR Tech. & Comm. Index closed at 697.51 with a net downward change of -0.74 points and percentage change of -0.11. The volume of this sector was 7,788,900.
BR Cement Index closed at 710.29 with a net negative change of -5.59 points and percentage change of -0.78. Volume was 3,886,049. BR Oil and Gas Index closed at 2,338.08 with a net negative change of -16.7 points and percentage change of -0.71. The volume was 2,741,461. BR Power Generation and Distribution Index closed at 1,569.55 with a downward change of -4.76 points and percentage change of -0.30. The turnover for this sector was 2,449,099.